
An Asian region where all countries are committed to right living, with just and equitable societies striving to be free of all manner of addictions and promoting and nurturing the bio-psycho-sociospiritual well-being of their peoples.


To establish and support Therapeutic Communities that will serve as havens for people who have fallen prey to all manners of addiction as well as those who have behavioral disorders. Together with their families they can help each other regain hope and rebuild their lives as they live in a healing community free of substance and nonsubstance dependencies and interacting freely based on universal values and principles.


  • To share knowledge, experience and expertise of the Therapeutic Community movement in Asia.

  • To enhance the Therapeutic Community movement in the Asian Region and to increase understanding of it as a model in the treatment of addictions.

  • To provide a means of collaboration among members of the FTCA.

  • To provide training opportunities for professionals, students and volunteers in the Therapeutic Community movement.

  • To be a repository of information regarding the practice and the methods of therapeutic communities and complimentary disciplines through data collection and research.

  • To advocate national and international support, both governmental and non-governmental, for the concepts, operations, functions and methods of Therapeutic Communities.

  • To raise funds for the activities of the Federation.

  • To maintain an active membership in the WFTC.


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