Federation of Therapeutic Communities in Asia

The Federation of Therapeutic Communities in Asia (FTCA) is an association of organizations, communities and professionals in Asia practicing or studying the Therapeutic Community approach for the treatment of manners of addiction and all other afflictions that may benefit from this approach.

Executive Council

The FTCA was formally organized at its First General Assembly at the Rembrandt Hotel in Bangkok on October 27, 2018 just before the holding of the 27th Conference of the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities (WFTC) that officially recognized it the following day. In the photo President Martin Infante (center) addresses the 2nd General Assembly that was held on October 31, 2018 to accommodate more members. With him are the rest of the Executive Council (L to R): Vice President Reverend Bodhi Thero, Member Augusto Nogueira, Secretary Ranjan Dhar, Treasurer Fr. Lambertus Somar and Honorary Members Phaedon Kaloterakis and Aloysius Joseph.



Unit 805, Primeland Building, Madrigal Business Park Alabang, Muntinlupa City, 1780 Philippines

Phone: +632 8809 3491
Phone: +632 8809 7235
Email: federationtcasia@gmail.com


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